Dialogue of Soul and Muse

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hello World,

...I will try to keep this blog in English, so my international friends out there may enjoy it a bit more.
But I have to ask you to be a little generous and patient with me, for this is not my mother tongue...

My little secret garden hopefully will soon become a place for everything that has to do with dolls and marionettes, arts, poetry, thoughts, secrets, myths, legends, vampires, dreams, crazy things, kitsch, music, spooky stories, ghosts, dragons, nice and sweet people, friends, angels, cats, bats, phantasies, fairy tales, animals, nature, spirits and spirituality, rituals, believes, wishes, good energies, creativity, ancient times, books, symbols, Prague, tarot, nostalgia, magic, and manymany more...

I hope, you will find here some entertaining and crazy little things from time to time and share your thoughts with me!
